I remember when the very first McDonalds in our town was built.. I’d never seen one before..
prior to that..
I remember when virtually ALL meals were made at home.. We went out to a restaurant exactly 4 times a year.. one time for each member of our family’s birthday dinner. I remember when “fast food on the go” was a sandwich we made at home, wrapped up and taken with us along with some fruit and water knowing it would be a while before we could get home and make food again..
I grew up when the milk man actually delivered the milk to our house (yes really) which also meant it came from real cows who lived locally.. I remember going to the farmers market on the weekends to buy what was in season to eat that week.. and the butcher shop to get the best cut of the meat they had in that day.
As the years progressed.. I fell into the modern way of eating the “Standard American Diet” (SAD for short.. appropriate don’t you think?) Fast food, processed this, artificial that.. chemical infused, boxed, preserved, NON FOOD!
Now in my “middle age years”.. My body has screamed back NO MORE! Through uncontrolled weight gain.. body aches and pains.. thyroid dysfunction.. falling out hair and sleepless nights.. (plus more we don’t need to talk about here!)
Through seeking understanding and knowledge I have learned where it all went sour…. (which was specifically in that SAD diet!!) and have thus turned away from “the modern way”..
Instead, I have returned to those early ways of my youth.. and its really not that hard.. and it really doesn’t cost that much more if you pay attention and buy what’s on sale.. and its really much better tasting and much more fun to make.. Whole, fresh, natural foods.. prepared with fresh herbs and spices and olive oil and love..
And YES! It WORKS! my body is happy.. the weight has been lost.. the aches and pains are improved.. my thyroid is being cared for.. my hair is growing.. and I am sleeping soundly once again! (and those other “things” .. yeah they are better too!) (plus, I’m not the only one.. because everyone I know and everyone I see who lives like this.. has the same kind of results!)
Knowing what I’ve been living the past few years is my inspiration to inspire others. my own family as well as all I connect with.. to understand the fundamental benefit of returning to what God and nature has designed us to do.
& Sorry kids.. none of that is served from McDonalds either.. J
Join me on the journey!
(TK 8.10.17)